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Concussions occur as a result of road traffic accidents, sports accidents and falls. The risk of such injuries is particularly high in contact and high-speed sports. Exercise seems to have a positive effect on recovery.
What is it?
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. A direct blow to the head or neck causes the brain to collide with the inside of the skull, which can give rise to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, headache, vomiting and memory loss. These symptoms usually appear up to 48 hours after the injury. In most cases, the brain recovers within two to four weeks.
However, it can sometimes take longer to make a full recovery. This is known as post-concussion syndrome. Post-con what? A tricky word and even more troublesome symptoms: Difficulty concentrating, disturbed sleep, fatigue and dizziness over an extended period.
What should you do?
In the first few days after the accident: Keep movement and stimuli to a minimum. Avoid activities that make your symptoms worse. After the initial rest period, it is important that you resume light physical and cognitive activities, as exercise releases substances that promote regenerative processes in the central nervous system.
It is, however, important not to overdo it. Here too, the following applies: Activities should not give rise to or intensify symptoms, either during or after the activity. You should initially avoid fast, high-impact movements. Excessive head movements can also cause symptoms, so these should be built up cautiously.
Did you know?
«Studies suggest that active rather than passive rehabilitation after concussion may aid the recovery process and reduce long-term effects.»
– Michael Skibba, Jessica Reinhard and Ingo Helmich
This should ideally be undertaken at an early stage. Sensorimotor exercises, such as those performed on Sensopro equipment, reduce dizziness, neck pain, headaches and long-term symptoms. Furthermore, it is easy to calibrate your training on the Luna, which allows you to start using the tapes at an early stage.
Always consult your doctor before designing your exercise programme. If the symptoms worsen or recur, it is a sign that you are overburdening your system. If this happens, you will need to adjust and simplify your programme.
Consulting with a trainer is key to finding the training programme that is right for you.
We recommend the following training sessions:
Initially: Changes in stance of increasing difficulty without any bouncing movements.
Later: Arm movements, changing the line of sight, closing the eyes.
Later still: Start bouncing, training sessions from the Health category.