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5.8 million kilometres. That’s how far all the nerves in our brain would reach laid end-to-end. It sits in our little heads like a ball of wool with thousands of starts and ends.
The control centre. The computer. The air traffic control tower. The boss’s office in the penthouse.
What is it?
The brain is the master of our senses and activities. A stimulus hits somewhere in our periphery, i.e. somewhere in the body. Pressure, cold, vibrations, a change in position, for example.
Our brain decides whether this is going to affect our survival and, hopefully, has an appropriate reaction. We tense up, close our eyes, pull our hand away, for example.
What’s important at this stage?
Our brain’s main aim is to get us through every situation in our lives safely and uninjured. By doing a wide range of training exercises, we can experience a variety of situations that could well put us off our stride. And find good solutions while we're at it. Balance reactions. Appropriate muscle tension. Confident steps, for example.
The brain loves activities that activate both of its sides. And it loves a challenge. Like in sports. Then it rewards us with happy hormones.
Manfred Spitzer (*1958)
Neuroscientist and psychiatrist.
«Our brain is always learning. It likes nothing better and it’s all it knows how to do! Throughout our entire lives.»
The circuit of perception, filtering and reaction is called coordination. Sensopro is all about coordination. Every movement on the Luna Fitness and Physio and the Casa triggers a reaction. At the start, these are often big and possibly even overreactions as you underestimate your strength. But with every session, you get more economical, smoother and confident with your movements.
«Sitting is the new smoking.»
Nicolai Loboda
Clinical psychoneuroimmunologist and nutrition consultant.
Any of them.
Coordination connects the two sides of the brain. Variation expands the filter in the brain. Progression keeps you pushing your limits. And the effort makes you happy.
We recommend the following training:
Health / Relaxation
Fitness / Shorties
Performance / Coordination Queen
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