New story.

“Trampoline” they say.
“Much more than that” we reply.
What’s it about?
Our equipment may look like it came from a trampoline. In fact, two parts of the first Luna were from a cut up trampoline cover.
Key word: cut up! Cut in two lengthwise to allow a bipedal stance whereby the feet are separate. Now we have two robust, textile bands, each mounted on eight springs like a springboard.
What for and what is the big difference?
In a nutshell:
there are two advantages to training on an unstable base. To prove our point, here are two of them. You have no more opportunity to lie to yourself. We all do that. Every day.
Imagine: whatever activity you pursue on any given day, you will spend many hours doing it. That means some parts of the body are overused and others not used at all.
However, your body can withstand this imbalance, for years in many cases. But beware, the chickens will come home to roost. Pain, wear and tear, other worn out parts... a vicious circle.
Back to the tapes. What do you think happens when you stand on two Sensopro tapes?
Exactly! Your body will AUTOMATICALLY adjust and find its balance. The harder it becomes to do that, the more compensation strategies (ways of bypassing the problem) it will find.
If you stand on Sensopro flexible tapes every day, or at least twice a week, your body, and especially your brain, learns how you can maintain a healthy, optimal stance and store this as your default position. That way you can strengthen your underused core muscles and take the strain off your overused, painful areas.
That is how two tapes are different to an unstable base: one side can work independently of the other.
«I would like a slackline for indoors.»
Luna said, before her uncle cut up the trampoline to make the first tapes.
Postural reflexes are the secret ingredient. Every positional change in our motor system adjusts the distribution of power throughout the entire body.
Look closely at a single step cycle and imagine just how many changes there are in a millisecond. And while walking, we are talking to our colleagues, phoning, reading advertisements, pressing against our shoes and thinking about our shopping list for later.
How should we use our muscles, that is at least half of our roughly 650 muscles?
Proprioception takes care of that. We can move without needing to see or feel anything.
Want to know more?