Lymphoedema | Your Story. Your Training.


We call it fluid build-up. The medical community calls it lymphoedema. It presents as swelling in the arms or legs. A slight imprint on your ankles from your socks after sitting down for a while is an oedema, but nothing to worry about. It tends to disappear as soon as you start moving.

Larger oedemas are abnormal. They sometimes accompany other illnesses but other times have no identifiable cause. The most serious form is elephantiasis, the abnormal swelling of a body part.

AuthorNeva Diesner Category Anatomy
Sensopro Luna Physio Old woman Marlene 1431

What is it?

Statis oedema and phlebolymphoedema are swellings that either persist or go away and come back. This is due to fluid (lymph) build-up in the tissue. Lymphatic fluid is our body’s cleaning liquid. Lymph vessels don’t really control themselves as such. They are emptied through the actions of our muscles and veins.

What’s important at this stage?

Water drains downwards, so raising the affected body part can help. Lying flat with the feet or arms elevated. This stops the vessels getting kinked as easily.

Compression stockings can help if they are prescribed and fit well.

Tight clothing that compresses the skin should be avoided.

Exercise can really help to bring down the swelling. It activates the muscles that pump the fluid away. Rhythmic exercises help: tense, release, tense, release. Walking, cycling, hiking, aquarobics.

Sensopro Luna Physio Old woman Laura Barbara 0961

Lymphatic pumping (Scallan et al., 2016)

«The function of the lymph pump is crucial to normal lymph transport, particularly in the dependent extremities.»

Where does Sensopro come in?

Training on the Luna activates the muscle pump with bouncing movements. The increase in blood flow also helps to drain the build-up. Exercising too intensely (overheating) should be avoided. Compression stockings should be worn during training.

Sensopro Luna Physio Old man Fritz 1261

What type of Sensopro training works best?

If you have problems with lymphoedema, your rehab really needs to be led by a physio. They're the experts and can give you personal advice as to what training is right for you.

We recommend following training:


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Physio / Gait Training

Health / Relaxation