Strength training

Strength training damages your muscles. But it also sets off a chain of processes that makes you stronger. The body immediately starts to rebuild those muscles. With new, even stronger cells. Depending on what the training stimulated, your muscle fibres become stronger, thicker, or start to work together better. So they become more powerful and stable. The right preparation is key.

AuthorNeva Diesner Category Anatomy Time to read 5min
Joana und Sensopro 38

What is it?

The aim of strength training is to make your muscles stronger. Whether you want to sculpt a classic six-pack and biceps, or simply because your back hurts every now and then. Sculpting happens when you gain more muscle. The muscles get thicker because they are worked so hard. With sweat and cramps.

Do you just want your muscles to work together better? Or want to get stronger without getting bigger? Then more fibres have to activate all together: through synchronisation. Synchronisation happens in the brain.

What’s important at this stage?

Warm up! Healthy training techniques are crucial to lifting bigger weights.

A cool down helps you to recover more effectively after training.

Sufficient regeneration is essential to building strength.

Joana und Sensopro 30
«Coordination plays a key role in our motor skills. It affects the economical implementation of strength, flexibility, stamina and speed.»

Where does Sensopro come in?

The bit about it being in your brain: Sensopro improves how your muscle fibres trigger. On the tapes, you can do precisely the strength exercises you need for your training. Squats, dead lifts, lat pulls, lunges…

Then you can add more weight for the same exercise.

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What type of Sensopro training works best?

Consulting with a trainer is key when it comes to finding the right training programme.

We recommend the following training:



Physio / Back to Sports

Fitness / Basic Strength

Performance / Performance Sports