Many new jobs available!

Teeny-tiny physio offices. Massive gym chains. Stinking rich football teams. Young-at-heart old people’s homes. Some of over 1000 customers come here:
Our vision
Back when we were students at the University of Bern with a passion for sport, we came up with an idea to change the world.
We wanted to revolutionise the relationship between people and exercise.
Many saw our idea as doomed to failure.
And honestly, sometimes so did we.
But it resulted in two products.
The Luna for physios.
The Luna for gyms.
Your training
We don’t know your story just yet.
But do we know that we’ve got a way to train that’s perfect for you.
We’re there for elite athletes recovering from a knee injury.
For Parkinson’s patients who need help with their balance.
For desk jockeys with back pain.
For fitness fanatics as a warm-up before strength training.
And for all the grandpas who just want to keep their feet firmly on the floor.
Rehab exercises and fitness training just aren’t fun.
We are. We promise.
We swear we didn’t pay anyone for these articles and posts:
Social media is bad for your health.
But if you still want to use it, at least use it with us.
Find our latest posts here.