
The body’s biggest joint connects the two most powerful bones - the femur and tibia.
It can bend and stretch. When it’s bent it can even turn.
There is hardly any movement that doesn’t involve the knee: go, stand, run, hop, climb, sit, bend, kneel... Try it!

AuthorNeva Diesner Category Physiotherapy Time to read 5min
Sensopro Luna Prime Time 41

What’s that?

If you look at the human body, you would wonder how the two bones fit together. The tibial bone is practically flat. Seen from the side, the femur is rounded with a widening spiral: from the front it has a relatively small radius that expands towards the back. A bit like an egg. It wouldn’t be stable without support. The kneecap doesn't make any difference as nature has placed it at the front of the joint to improve the leverage effect.

The knee is mainly stabilised by ligaments, muscles and the meniscus. No muscles mean no stability and is bad for your knees over the long term.

What matters now?

Regular training for stability is extremely important. Every step can be damaging if it is done wrongly. Especially under increased pressure. When running. Or skiing. Or on a building site.

How can you make a knee stable? Muscle training. Build your strength. You can actually do that without building up your femur like Marco Odermatt. But the biggest and best training equipment is of no use, if you don't know how to use it. You also need to train the nerves that command the muscles. That’s where sensorimotor training comes in.
Did you know that “Sensopro” comes from sensorimotor training?

Don’t cause problems for your knee joints by making them think that you are always losing your balance. Teach your nerves and muscles how best to react so they are equipped to support you throughout the day.

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An old saying:

«If a child complains of pain in the knee, don’t forget to examine the hip.»

Where does Sensopro come in?

Act as if you're losing your balance. Ideally by actually losing your balance. You can use the Sensopro flexible tapes where you can steady yourself if necessary. So you can train in safety.

You are also standing on two separate bases so one knee can’t help the other.

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What type of Sensopro training works best?

We recommend the following training:



Health/Where do you have aches and pains? / Knee

Fitness / basis for more power / strength in the legs

Performance / queen of coordination