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Once a Länggasse resident, always a Länggasse resident. Sara’s happy there. And anyone who has ever lived in Länggasse in Bern knows why. Where else does Sara feel comfortable? In Sicily. As a spirited Italian, she loves to travel back to her southern home from time to time.
Sara studied physiotherapy in Winterthur. From there, she had to visit various cities and “backwaters” in Switzerland for her placements. Fortunately, she didn’t have to travel as far for her second degree. She studied at the Swiss Jazz School with a major in singing and a minor in piano.
So Sara can sing – really well. She sings a cappella and in a cover band.
What else does she like to do? Cucinare e mangiare (cook and eat). Of course.
Sara used to dance, too. As a child, she was involved in ballet and rhythmic gymnastics followed by 10 years of salsa. As a result, Glausi is once again facing unbeatable competition.
Oh, and by the way, if you manage to get Sara to laugh, you’re going to see her nostrils wiggle. And not just a little bit.