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Our Lüku grew up in the beautiful “Huttu”. If you also have no idea what or where that is, you can find more information under the name Huttwil. Today Lüku lives in Burgdorf, or rather “Burdlef”.
Lüku’s education was at least as rich in contrast as his hobbies. First of all, his training: He graduated as a social education worker in Olten. And in Latvia, he took a course on building log cabins. Although the first is almost more unexpected than the second. Now to his hobbies: Lüku enjoys playing rugby, doing outdoor sports, spending time doing DIY and – warning! - still has “a few embarrassing nerd hobbies”, as he puts it. Unfortunately, he doesn’t reveal what they are. What do you think they could be?
Lüku has already had countless successes. At the Rugby Club Bern, his greatest success was being allowed to wash the shirts for the whole team. He also tops Glausi’s list of successes hands down.