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Jonas is actually called Jönu so much that it should even be on his ID. Mosimann is his last name.
Raised in the rather remote Signau area in the Emmental valley, but close to the big city of Langnau, Jönu quickly found his way to the Kambly biscuit factory, where he completed his apprenticeship as a computer scientist. After numerous further training courses and a bachelor's degree in medical informatics at Bern University of Applied Sciences in Biel/Bienne, Jönu finally came to us.
Jönu is by far the fastest computer scientist in the world. This has less to do with his IT skills and more to do with his hobby: running Ironmans! Jönu is almost always in the water, on his bike or jogging. Mostly in the Emmental valley, but sometimes also in Hawaii.
And because it helps with search engine optimisation, here's a bit of name dropping and pure show-offery:
competitor in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii
third place; Swiss Championship Cross Triathlon
second overall; Biennathlon
GP Bern, less than 1 hour
Lucerne Marathon, less than 3 hours
Ironman Thun, less than 10 hours
If he isn't triathloning (it really should be a word), he hikes, does cross-country skiing or, for a change, does a little exercise in the gymnastics club. Only one thing he doesn't seem to do: he won't touch anything that has to do with balls. Probably because he knows that he'd lose hands-down to Stefan.