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The largest muscles in our body are in our legs. The legs are our motor, our drive, our guarantee of mobility. Strong legs take the strain off your back and protect your ankles, knees and hips.
What is it?
Have you planned fixed "leg days" in your training plan on which you focus your strength training exclusively on your leg muscles? This is a great idea, as it guarantees comprehensive training with long-term effects.
What’s important at this stage?
To prepare for strength training, it's worth doing a proper warm-up with movement preps. You can do these in the traditional way on the floor. Or you can increase neuromuscular performance with targeted activation training beforehand.
Where does Sensopro come in?
Thanks to the combination of the unstable standing surfaces and the freely movable tubes of different strengths, the Luna enables a very targeted warm-up before strength training.
Due to the constant balancing movements, your muscular system is constantly challenged to absorb the fluctuations and balance the body's center of gravity. This activation not only increases blood circulation, but also makes the muscle fibers more ready to react. This in turn increases your explosive power.
Perfectly warmed up to load a little more weight today.
What type of Sensopro training works best?
We recommend the following training:
Shorties (all categories)
Fitness / High intensity
Performance / Game sports