Tina Siegenthaler | Your Story. Your Training.

Tina Siegenthaler

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Our dear Tina has moved around a lot in her life. Growing up in Wahlendorf, she initially made it 10 minutes up to the road to Hinterkappelen. Later, she made the even longer journey to Bern, where she now enjoys big city life.

After two bachelor's degrees, one in business administration and one in psychology, Tina is already getting bored again. That's why she's adding a master's degree in psychology.

If Tina isn't looking after her finances, she's sure to be playing volleyball. Yes – she is also a member of the Sensopro volleyball team. If Tina can't be found, she is either reading a book or laying with her friends in a sunny spot and sipping a Hugo cocktail. Tina could get used to this lifestyle permanently. But let's be honest – who couldn't?